Author: Nestor

SysNestor > Articles by: Nestor

Add domain cPanel SSL Certificat

Facilitate the integration of a cPanel SSL Certificate onto your WordPress website effortlessly, particularly if you hold ownership of a cPanel hosting account. Follow these comprehensible steps: Initiate the process by logging in to your cPanel Hosting Account. Once logged…

Your PHP Installation Appears To Be Missing The MySQL Extension Which Is Required By WordPress

Encountering the following notification on your WordPress site may stem from a variety of causes, contributing to a discrepancy in the compatibility between your PHP installation and WordPress. Primarily, it signals the absence of the MySQL extension, an essential component…

Fix WordPress Stuck In Maintenance Mode

If your WordPress website is stuck in maintenance mode, preventing you from accessing the site, don't worry. This issue is typically caused by incomplete updates or a malfunction during the update process. Here's a step-by-step guide to fix WordPress when…

Fix WordPress Redirect Hack to Another Site

Dealing with a WordPress redirect hack can feel like a digital ambush, especially when your website starts redirecting users to unknown and potentially malicious sites. Unfortunately, the notorious WordPress redirect hack has become a go-to strategy for hackers seeking to…

How to Fix Domain Not Secure SSL Certificate

Understanding the Significance of the SSL Certificate and Addressing the "Not Secure" Status in WordPress. In the intricate web of the internet, SSL certificates emerge as the unsung heroes, serving as the backbone of our secure online interactions. The acronym…

How To Enable XML RPC On WordPress

The WordPress XML RPC is a system that allows remote updates to WordPress from other applications. For instance, the Windows Live Writer system is capable of posting blogs directly to WordPress because of xmlrpc.php. In its earlier days, however, it…

How to install Joomla on Ubuntu 23

If you're venturing into the world of content management systems (CMS) and have chosen Joomla as your platform, you're in for a treat! In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the seamless process of installing Joomla on Ubuntu 23,…

How to install LAMP stack on Ubuntu

The LAMP stack, an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl, is a tried-and-true solution that powers a significant portion of the internet. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing the LAMP stack on the…

How to Find the Biggest Files in Linux

Managing files efficiently is crucial for maintaining system performance and storage optimization. As users, we often find ourselves grappling with limited disk space and a need to identify and manage large files that may be eating into our precious storage.…

How To Install WordPress On Ubuntu 22.04

This article will carefully walk you through the installation of WordPress on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, making sure that your web experience gets off to a good start. Building a dynamic online presence is essential in the constantly changing digital landscape.…